22 agosto 2009

New Features

Well for now on I will write everything in English and probably I will make lots of mistake!
In this new release I had added lots of new functionality and a more robust example to show them. At this moment I am currently adding more features to the library and I didn’t have the time to comment it and format it well enough to open the code. But that date is getting closer, probably next month.
I will write ones more what the library framework can do, so every one can see what the differences with Flexmdi:

  • The framework has a main bar where windows are minimized. This bar can be edited with a stylesheet and it also has a main menu button and popup menu related also editable with stylesheets.
  • I add some basic methods to the library for minimize all windows and close all windows.
  • Now windows can have a menu button like the application that is also editable with a styleheets. You just need to add and xml file like in the application menu.
  • Minimized windows in the application bar will be grouped according to the size of the application bar, so is not all the windows can enter in just one line it will add more lines that can be navigated with a stepper control.
  • I have also added a minimize preview of the each window, so when the mouse over event is fired the user can see in the bottom of the minimized window and image of the window before been minimized.

As you can see the functionality of the Flexmdi was reduced to a particular case where you want to use a central application with functionality similar to a desktop application. This could be very useful to reduce development time.
Where are we going? Well my intentions are to finish basic functionality, polish the code and make it open source so any one could use it. After that I will add a second library or extension for this one witch intention will be to make possible for other developments be treated as modules that will be load on start or any other event in the main application, pretty much the behavior that you see when some ones install an application in window and the icons or the main menu with reference to that application. This feature will facilitate to people that has more than one application online but uses the same user security or want to develop plug-ins for interactivity proposes.
Well that’s all for now, anything you think it could be added or any bug you find, just make me know.

18 agosto 2009

Primera Entrega

Bueno, después de muchas horas y esfuerzo dedicado tenemos la primera release de app-mdi.

Tenemos el sistema de ventanas completo basado en Flexmdi con algunos agregados y diferencias:

  1. Agregamos una ApplicationBar donde colocamos las ventanas minimizadas para que no queden sueltas en el contenedor principal y por lo tanto no saquen espacio al área de trabajo o se vean ocultas por otras ventanas. El mismo permite navegar las ventanas minimizadas si estas no entran en una sola linea.
  2. Se agregaron algunas funciones extras al menu contextual como minimizar todas y cerrar todas las ventanas.
  3. Se agregó un Button de aplicación el cual se configura por xml y despliega un menú.
  4. Se agregó un HBox para agregar adicionales sobre el margen derecho de las ventanas minimizadas.
  5. Se agregó la posibilidad de tener un Button sobre la Title Bar de las ventanas el cual despliega un menú sobre las mismas.
  6. Los menúes de aplicaciones y de ventanas tienen eventos propios que pueden ser escuchados desde el WindowsManager.
  7. Todas las clases agregadas pueden ser personalizadas gracias a que se definió estilos para ellos.
  8. Y varias otras sorpresas!!!

Espero que les sea de utilidad!!!


Ejemplo online

Código fuente


En la próxima release de ejemplo voy a agregar un instructivo para modificar el estilo de todos los componentes utilizando CSS.
